Earth Day

It’s Earth Day!

Among the devastating status of our environment, climate change, and pollution, Earth day is a day for us to celebrate Mother Nature. It is our chance to show our love to Earth, so let's explore some ways you can protect the environment!

Plant a tree

Trees provide oxygen, improve air quality, and conserve energy. With increasing carbon emissions every year that contribute to climate change, planting trees is a perfect way to restoring our environment. You can plant trees in your backyard, or even donate to an organization that is dedicated to planting trees to preserve the environment. Either way, you will be enforcing positive change in your community!

Go on a bike ride

Cars use fuel, which release harmful gasses that pollute the environment, so biking is a pollution-free transportation alternative. You can reduce carbon dioxide emissions while getting an exercise in; sounds like a win-win!

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

I am sure you’ve heard of this phrase before, but incorporating these practices in your life truly benefit the environment. Every year, tones of garbage are dumped into landfills. These landfills emit greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Thus, reducing the amount of waste you produce is important to mitigating climate change and environmental deterioration.


Volunteering is a great way to contribute to a cause you care about, while making meaningful connections with others. You can sign up to volunteer for an organization, or you can initiate your own! You can set up a date to collect trash around your community, or plant trees with your friends. In fact, we hold competitions to encourage people to engage in these kind of activities.


Before you engage in protecting the environment, you should educate yourself on the current situation, climate change, and pollution. Learning will prepare you to make informed decisions in your life that contribute to sustaining the environment. Spreading awareness through posters, social media, or speeches is a great way to promote environmental responsibility in your community!

There are many other ways you can directly create a positive impact and inspire your community, I encourage you to research more about how you can incorporate sustainable practices in your life. The Earth has done so much for us, and it’s time for us to give back!

About Us

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to driving the transition to a green economy. We provide educational resources, invest in green organizations, and host an international community to unite change-makers and encourage sustainable financing.


The Problem of Climate Change